28 Oktober 2010

Daily Dress - Simply Maxi

Hari ini gw pake baju yang super duper simple, tapi tetep feminim
#eaaa #tumben
Cukup dengan maxi dress punya gw yang bahannya itu blue jeans yang udah belel
*kata orang banyak, jeans itu makin belel malah makin bagus! :D
Dan ditumpuk sama kemeja, simple banget kan?

Awalnya gw rada ragu pake baju terusan dari atas sampe bawah,
karna bakal bikin badan gw makin gede.
Tapi ternyata engga kok! Selama potongan baju yang dipake itu pas, ga ada masalah tuh!
Ini jadi bukti, kalo memiliki badan besar bukan berarti ga bisa pake maxi dress.
Karena sebenarnya, maxi dress buat yg berbadan gemuk itu, bisa menutupi lemak di pinggul, paha dan bokong!
Hehee... menurut kalian ?

11 Oktober 2010

every girl wants to be treated like this

First, i wanna say "I LOVE THIS SONG!!"

Bruno Mars did very well when he composed this song!! I gotta say, i love his voice, this video, and the song in general. He has great talent, and i got to see more amazing songs by him.

As a girl, i really want someone sang this song to me, and maybe i'd probably cry that really happened. #eaaa #lebay

If you are a guy, you should sing this song to her! Especially in this part :
"when i see your face, there's not a thing i would change. because you are amazing just the way you are. "
I bet, she'll be blushing, crying, or maybe swoon.. HAHA

Today, i wrote comment to the video of bruno mars on youtube
" Every girl wants to treated like this :) "
WOW!! i got 52 people to vote up my comment!!
mmm... maybe 52 girls (not people) is more precisely

See what the respond from guys about my comment :
@JinKnight: idont want you to lie to every girl, just sang this song to a girl that you loved :)
@irockas: yes! you're rite! Im a girl! :)


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